Category: Single Authors Short Stories

Kurt Rheinheimer's Finding Grace PDF

By Kurt Rheinheimer

"Kurt Rheinheimer's reward during this e-book is to discover tiny, ephemeral items of boyhood-the solar on a neighbor's '53 Buick, a small cabin through a creek within the mountains-and then have that environment entered into by means of characters who're equivalent of their light and exact element. the mummy - 'dressed as gentle because the spring itself' - and the daddy - 'impatient status by way of the automobile, his breath in little noticeable puffs' - hold the tales, regularly visible throughout the younger, observant eye of the narrator, who's in a position to at one time preserve the naiveté of his age and whilst infuse views of a much-older self. those are coming-of-age tales within the top feel, of a boy knowing, one after the other, that these he loves are actual people." - Linda B. Swanson-Davies, co-editor Glimmer educate Stories

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Get Mes tentatives de suicide et d'autres récits (- SDE) (French PDF

By Mohamed Allamadani

Le quotidien d'un réfugié palestinien au Liban, survivant du bloodbath du camp de Chatila ; los angeles lutte acharnée d'un émigrant qui s'est armé de braveness et d'espoir pour apprendre l. a. langue française et entamer une nouvelle vie loin de los angeles guerre au Québec ; une maison de campagne québécoise témoigne de l'histoire de los angeles communauté francophone au Canada depuis los angeles fin du XIXe siècle ; du parchemin au numérique, un rfile nous convie à un voyage à travers le temps...

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Get Bis zum bitteren Ende: Mein Lebensmotto (German Edition) PDF

By Tobias Henzen

Tobias Henzen sitzt seit seiner Geburt im Rollstuhl. Kampfgeist und der unerbittliche Wille vorwärts zu kommen zeichnen ihn aus, werden aber gleichzeitig zu seinen Schwachpunkten. Seine Mutter nennt seinen Fleiß Verbissenheit. Anerkennung erhält er nie. Stattdessen versucht sie ihn zu kontrollieren. Eine psychische Erkrankung ist die Folge. Die Geburt des ersten Kindes gibt ihm neue Kraft. Gleichwohl benötigt er ärztliche Hilfe, um gegen seine psychischen Beschwerden anzukämpfen. Unterstützung erhält er dabei von seiner Frau Olivia.

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Unexpected Comfort: A collection of short stories by by Jacklynn Lord PDF

By Jacklynn Lord

Jacklynn Lord used to be born in California and moved to Reno in 1975. An ordained minister, Jackie studied at Berkeley, Sacramento nation and the college ofNevada—Reno. Jackie is additionally an writer and composer, writing and generating the albums teenagers Love Trumpet and fans Love Trumpet. She additionally wrote six Suites for Trumpet and Piano, which she plays together with her husband, Mark. Jackie has written 8 books, together with STC The Sharpest guns, How Do you assert Thank You?, inform Me concerning the battle, Daddy and
Custer Court
condo Incident. Now age seventy three, Jackie is at paintings on her subsequent novel Catalyst that is set in Santa Cruz. She has 3 youngsters, six grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.

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Download e-book for iPad: The Necromouser and Other Magical Cats by Mary Lowd

By Mary Lowd

An indignant cat who discovers the techno-mystical skill to elevate mice from the dead...

A ravenous kitten who discovers a mystery hidden within the San Francisco bay...

A witch's cat, a scientist's cat, and a cat who acknowledges no owner...

In this assortment, stick to the adventures of the loved tabby cat Shreddy as he faces off with zombies, ghosts, gryphons, foolhardy canines, and all kinds of loved ones appliances.

Then meet a chain of cats whose tales will take you from heartbreak to pleasure, displaying the magic in our personal international during the mirrored image of a cat's eyes.

Necromouser comprises 4 all new tales and 5 Ursa significant nominated tales, together with "Shreddy and the Carnivorous Plant."

Contains the subsequent tales via Mary Lowd:

The Necromouser
Shreddy and the Zomb-dogs
Shreddy and the Silver Egg
Shreddy and the Christmas Ghost
Shreddy and the Dancing Dragon
Shreddy and the Carnivorous Plant
Songs of Fish and Flowers
Katelynn the Mythic Mouser
The Wharf Cat’s Mermaid
Magtwilla and the Mouse
Cold Tail and the Eyes
All the Cats of the Rainbow
In a Cat’s Eyes

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Read e-book online Secrets en coulisses (BAU.BAUDELAIRE) (French Edition) PDF

By Isabelle Brault

Secrets en coulisses regroupe trois romans, liés par le thème

du dévoilement des secrets and techniques.

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Le matin de son départ d’une remedy thalasso en Tunisie, Louis est témoin d’une scène qui l’obsède. Il aperçoit Nadège épiant derrière une fenêtre. Il a le réflexe de los angeles prendre en picture avant qu’elle ne disparaisse étrangement. De retour en France, Louis incite vivement Serge, son ami, à se rendre sur les lieux. Captivé par los angeles photograph et le récit de Louis, Serge s’envole pour l. a. Tunisie où il mène une enquête qui révélera un lourd mystery de famille.


Durant une dialog téléphonique, Frank Marchand, frère d’Étienne, lui apprend que le hasard lui a fait rencontrer David, son fils perdu de vue depuis le plus jeune âge.

Dès lors, l’action s’emballe, le rythme s’accélère, les événements s’enchaînent en ramenant les cinq personnages aux secrets and techniques de leur passé.


Peu de temps avant sa mort, Henri de Viège vit une expérience des plus troublantes. Au sortir d’un de ses rêves agités, il se voit métamorphosé. Cette transformation le mène à ce qu’il a de plus authentique en lui et qu’il a enfoui tout au lengthy de son life. Confronté à son ami François, Henri transcrit les effets de sa métamorphose. À l. a. manière d’un compte à rebours, le temps soupire après l’existence.

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Get Water Lines: The Pirates Guide to Lake St. Claire and PDF

By Bill Bradley,Gary Odmark

a set of 4 brief tales with a nautical subject. From the 'First day out' that is a primer/ starter for the newbie boater, to 2 others that take the reader from the stormy seas of the Atlantic 'Gulf circulation' to a hurricane rescue on Lake St. Clair within the nice Lakes. the ultimate tale 'A River Away' is a ancient checklist of Lake St. Clair, Detroit River, and Windsor, Ontario and Canada. The ebook is fifty five pages, 5"x7". a superb reward for newbie or pro boater. it really is an addition to the 'Pirate's advisor to Lake St. Clair & Surrounding Waters' boaters advisor book.

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Sonnseitig. Schattseitig.: Erzählungen aus dem Steirischen by Anna Aldrian PDF

By Anna Aldrian

Vor der traumhaften Landschaft des "Steirischen Himmelreichs" bricht Unerwartetes über die Menschen herein. Bedrohlich oder beglückend kann dieses Unbekannte in Anna Aldrians Erzählungen sein: Ein Leben, das nur harte Arbeit kennt, wird vom Zauber der Musik getroffen, eine verlorene Liebe wird auf nie dagewesene Weise gerächt, ein verlachter Sonderling findet zu seiner wahren Identität zurück und ein tanzendes variety wird zum Todesengel.
Bedrohlich oder beglückend kann das Unbekannte in Anna Aldrians Erzählungen sein, wenn Fremdes aus anderen Kontinenten und das Fremde in der eigenen Seele die Menschen trifft.

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Francis George,Unn Hege Lind's Plantemannen. Diplomaten. Camp NoE (Norwegian Edition) PDF

By Francis George,Unn Hege Lind

Denne boken er en samling av tre av mine romaner-«Plantemannen», «Diplomaten», og «Camp NoE».
Plantemannen er en fiktiv historie om Mikkel, en comparable fra Kautokeino som reiser til Den Sentralafrikanske republikk for å lete etter sjeldne og uoppdagete planter. Som related identifiserer han seg med deler av den afrikanske kulturen. Han ønsker å fortelle sine afrikanske venner om "landsbyer" i Kautokeino kommune. Mikkel føler sterkt på at han som comparable deler mye av den samme historien med de svarte afrikanerne fra for eksempel Sør- Afrika og Zimbabwe. Uansett, turen til Den Sentralafrikanske Republikk går ikke som planlagt. Han havner midt i opptakten til en blodig borgerkrig. Han har forelsket seg i en mye yngre kvinne som holder noe skjult for ham.
Han har funnet en plante som muligens er en verdenssensasjon. Planten det er snakk om er intet mindre enn ten thousand ganger mer powerful enn andre tilsvarende planter -til sammen. Planter med antialdringsegenskaper. Med spørsmålene rundt kjærlighetsforholdet og krigen som bakteppe, står Mikkel speedy i noen vanskelige valg.

In the Diplomat. Vi er to år frem i tid, og mye av rikets sikkerhet og fremtidige økonomi står på spill. Fremtidscenariet tar utgangspunkt i ambassadøren for den afrikanske føderasjonen, Geraldo. Han har håp og drømmer om et usa of Africa. Han har også ønsker på Norges vegne.
Gjennom ambassadøren får vi et blikk lodge i fremtiden. På den sikkerhetsmessige situasjonen i Norge og Europa. Vi står overfor en økonomisk krise. Det afrikanske kontinents viktige rolle blir mer og mer fremtredende.
Diplomaten kan leses som en mini-lærebok, hvor forfatteren har brukt fiktive karakterer til å presentere fakta. Leseren får servert historien om afrika- kina-relasjonen og korte statusrapporter som gir innsikt i den økonomiske situasjonen i Norge 2017.

Camp NoE handler om en gruppe personer fra Vest-Afrika immune mot ikke naked Ebolaviruset, males også malaria, HIV, African trypanosomiasis, Cholera, Chikungunya og Crimeanâ Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF). Hva betyr Golden Blood, og hvilken rolle har disse Vest-afrikanske "Supermenneskene" i kampen for et sykdomsfritt samfunn?
Har det noe med ammunisjonen som ble brukt lower than borgerkrigene i Liberia and Sierra Leone å gjøre? Er det mulig at det har oppstått genmutasjoner i en gruppe mennesker fra Vest-Afrika?
Midt imellom Sierra Leone og Liberia, ligger leiren Camp NoE. Camp NoE er forkortelse for Camp Noebola. males hvorfor så mye hemmelighold rundt Camp NoE, før alt blir avslørt av en norsk sykepleier? Hvem var denne sykepleieren som valgte å jobbe i Vest-Afrika? Verdens stormakter forberedte seg til krig over Camp NoE

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Download PDF by Susan Sontag: Stories: Collected Stories

By Susan Sontag

The entire brief tales of Susan Sontag, essentially the most wonderful & influential writers of the 20 th century - gathered jointly for the 1st time

Susan Sontag is typically remembered as an excellent essayist - inquisitive, analytical, fearlessly outspoken. but all all through her existence, she additionally wrote brief tales: fictions which wrestled with these rules and preoccupations she could not deal with in essay shape. those brief fictions are allegories, parables, autobiographical vignettes, each one taking pictures an genuine fragment of lifestyles, dramatizing Sontag's inner most griefs and fears.

Stories collects all of Sontag's brief fiction for the 1st time. This astonishingly flexible assortment showcases its peerless author on the peak of her powers. For any Sontag fan, it's an unmissable testomony to her artistic achievements

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