Download PDF by Andy Wood: Abandoned & Vanished Canals of Ireland, Scotland and Wales

By Andy Wood

A resurgence in canal recovery has noticeable many British canals reopen some time past 3 many years, yet many are nonetheless deserted, a few even vanished below roads, railways and constructions. Many millions of path miles of canal and navigation as soon as used to criss-cross the British Isles, serving collieries, iron mines, steelworks, cities and villages. From the beginning of the 20th century onwards, a lot of those canals closed down due to loss of exchange. a number of the misplaced canals are within the commercial belts of Scotland and Wales, with a smattering of Irish routes, from the Rockville Navigation through the Monkland Canal, now less than the M74 highway, and the Aberdare Canal. Andy wooden offers us a quick heritage of every of the misplaced canals, from the Athlone Canal to the Trewydda Canal.

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Abandoned & Vanished Canals of Ireland, Scotland and Wales by Andy Wood

by Jason

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Categories: Nature Ecology