New PDF release: Dissident (Tracker Trilogy Book 2)

By Robby McAlpine

The Enclave is the impenetrable image of the Hoarders' dominance. From at the back of its colossal partitions, they proceed their crusade to Implant the blameless, whereas the subhuman Trackers search out and exterminate the unfortunate.
The basically desire for the small band of Runners is to infiltrate the Enclave, and take the struggle to the Hoarders.
In order to do that, they are going to need assistance from contained in the Enclave: Hoarders prepared to paintings along them in a conflict opposed to their universal – and malevolent – enemy.
The enigmatic Mateo, cryptic and secretive, claims to grasp the way.
But will he support them, or betray them?

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Dissident (Tracker Trilogy Book 2) by Robby McAlpine

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