By Daniel A. Sumner,Frank H. Buck
This edited volume’s checklist of foreign individuals reads like a Who’s Who of overseas agricultural examine! This ebook contains ten interdisciplinary case experiences that concentrate on particular pests or ailments that symbolize quite a number threats to U.S. agriculture, wild lands and the city panorama, and attainable govt responses to those threats. each one bankruptcy combines, in an unique type, organic foundations and implications for the general public, giving robust insights to a sequence of public coverage problems with nationwide and overseas relevance. typically, monetary research of different regulations is included.
Exotic pest keep watch over is mentioned in a public strong normal framework, and below the foreign regulatory legislation comprised via the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Protocol of the WTO.
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Exotic Pests and Diseases: Biology and Economics for Biosecurity by Daniel A. Sumner,Frank H. Buck
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