By Andrea Nye
This publication exhibits how the $64000 figures within the heritage of recent philosophy were reinterpreted via feminist concept, including:
* feminist reviews of Descartes' rationalism
* Locke's 'state of nature' because it pertains to the family
* the fees of misogyny levelled opposed to Kant
In addition, the publication introduces lesser-studied texts and interpretations, such as:
* the metaphysics of Leibniz's modern, Anne Conway
* Annette Baier's fresh presentation and defence of Hume
Feminism and glossy Philosophy: An Introduction is written in an available and full of life sort, and every bankruptcy ends with a precious annotated advisor to additional interpreting. it is going to be applicable for philosophy in addition to gender stories classes the improvement of contemporary western thought.
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Feminism and Modern Philosophy (Understanding Feminist Philosophy) by Andrea Nye
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Categories: History Surveys On Philosophy