Download e-book for iPad: Freedom and Authority in Alexander S. Neill's and Jean by Sven Müller

By Sven Müller

Freedom, possibly moment simply to language, is taken into account a defining caliber of humans. sooner than youngsters might be unfastened and self sufficient adults, despite the fact that, they need to be proficient, which frequently potential invoking authority to restrict their freedom to avoid damaging activities and to steer them towards goals that educators deem useful. of the authors who puzzled using di¬rect, grownup authority within the interplay with little ones are J. J. Rousseau (1712-1778) and A. S. Neill (1883-1973). the choice that Rousseau delineated to standard schooling in his 'Emile, or on schooling' is predicated regularly on devising academic occasions. Neill, by contrast, based Summerhill, a faculty the place authority is sent flippantly one of the contributors of the group, together with kids. during this comparative learn, the reader might be brought to either authors' lives and the advance in their structures of idea, together with their contradictions and hidden motivations. of their observations and reflections, either Neill and Rousseau combat with the assumed contradiction among human nature and civilization, that is the underlying topic of the ebook. In those pages, the reader won't in simple terms locate severe philosophical arguments but in addition develop into alert to those authors' perspectives approximately styles of priceless interactions with young ones and, maybe even extra importantly, Neill's life-affirming notion of human nature, which could supply a version for educators who're looking for choices to inhumane and self-undermining academic practices.

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Freedom and Authority in Alexander S. Neill's and Jean Jacques Rousseau's Philosophy of Education: Pädagogik (Wissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Tectum-Verlag) by Sven Müller

by Joseph

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