Jason's If You Steal PDF

By Jason

Jason's most modern number of complete colour comics indulges in his gentle and playful part, which includes 11 wildly off-kilter tales that blend incongruous components of popular culture and numerous genres, pastiches and mash-ups in a pleasant soupcon of picture storytelling. Frida Kahlo is a employed killer. Santo, the Mexican wrestling movie famous person, faces his final problem. the increase and fall of Chet Baker-told in six pages. evening of the Vampire Hunter. the final word at the JFK assassination conspiracies. A non-linear heist tale that still by some means comprises pictures by way of Magritte. an important trojan horse tale according to Fifties black-and-white movies. And what might Van Morrison's Moondance album seem like if it used to be a horror comedian? All as foretold through Nostradamus, in fact. And all advised by means of Jason, whose sly and elusive meanings are hidden underneath a beguilingly deadpan style.

"One of the medium's most interesting storytellers." - Publishers Weekly

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If You Steal by Jason

by Ronald

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